

1.     In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

The aim of any company is to sell their product or service to make money. A magazine company will need to generate a lot of sales to reach the profit margin, they need a way of them generating sales and by having a unique extract they will be able to compete against other magazine company’s they must have the best, most interesting and in the news celebrates, they must have something different about their magazine, and it must stand out from the ordinary and unprofessional eye. Depending on the genre the magazine will have different, additional things to it. My magazine genre was a, in the charts vibe with a clubbing like theme because it appealed to a wider audience. The primary audience being people aged 14- 22 (Teenagers and young adults) and I could include a lot of variable artists and news. I thought this was a good idea because my questionnaire showed people liked different things, so widening the genres would decrease the chance of a niche market. The picture I believe is effective because Rnb artist are portrayed as a negative and being no good and the picture represents this. By doing this I believe views would buy the magazine because people find negative things interesting. I believe my magazine does look like a magazine on a shelf today because it consist of similar text throughout and consists of a lot of pictures which follow and back the story lines, I got the idea of have looks of pictures from the magazine kerrang. On the front cover of my magazine I challenged the form’s of convention because I didn’t have a specific music genre i have a wide genre which was general music, I believe this was a good idea because a lot more people would buy my magazine. I had the like of devlin and Kings of Leon on my front cover two very different contrasts types of music.

I decided to keep my magazine original with the masthead on the left like most professional magazines, I did this because I personally felt that people wouldn’t recognise it had changed and if so a lack of professionalism.

I included a slogan to differentiate from other magazines and this slogan built in to the clubbing theme “When the music changes, so does the dance” My rule of three that I constructed was black yellow and white. Black being used for most of the important text with yellow for the other important text and white for the rest and questions to the artist.


2. How does your media product represent particular social groups?

I indented to make my primary target audience the younger generation (Teenagers 12 – 18) and the secondary audience (Young adults 18-22) I aimed my charts section at teenagers because I knew they where interested in the charts and I include a clubs vibe to get young adults to buy. Also buy looking at the price you can see it appealed to young audience with little money “£1.99” or “£6.99 per month if sub scribed” For my interview I tryed to link it to the audience, I asked questions like “why he, believe he was given a bad reputation” just like teenagers today all of them are labelled as “rebels” and “trouble makers” which then I proceeded onto talk about what “Example” did to set an example  and get the negative press away from him, which he also gave advise like “When things knock you down get up and keep going” and “Treat your parents well” I did this because it portrays a good image about teenagers and  that music genre. I didn’t asked any personal question’s which singled out and social group for instant “Chav’s” because they would feel discriminated against and wouldn’t continue to buy the magazine. With my magazine I believe social grouping is irrelevant but if I was to pick one they would be D or E lower/ unskilled workers and students.

3.     What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?

I would hope that a large mainstream company would distribute my magazine, but the likeliness of this happening is very minuet, as it’s a magazine just started and there are magazines out there that do similar types of music genre. And i would try to get a famous publisher brand like “ACP-NatMags”. The main reason for having a quality publisher would be that there is a higher level of readers, as they would be able to provide advice and would have greater knowledge which would achieve higher buying ratings, then the likes of smaller less recognised companies. Another factor would be that the company would have followers which would be the magazine because they have published it and they would find it easier to advertise and find revenue to advertise. My magazine could become very popular because of the amount of pictures used throughout the magazine especially the contents page. This makes it attractive to look at and a lot of wide variety of “stories” “features” and “news” would appeal to a wide audience.

4.     Who would be the audience for your media product?

I personally believe that music magazine could appeal to anyone that likes general music, chart
music and clubbing music. I picked this genre because I could relate to it and I have a sort of understanding of the target audience because I am in it and enjoy it. I tryed to have a wide variety of music to increase the target audience. I included “WIN WIN WIN” for a USP because it portrays a real magazine and because people may buy the magazine just to have a chance to win something.

5.     How did you attract/address your audience?

I would attract my target audience by advertising, I could do this by poster, leaflets and emails. And I was to be advertising to the uk I could advertise on TV or newspapers like the sun the only problem with advertising on TV and newspapers is that It would cost a lot of money but I could hit my target audience for instant I could have a advert on the MTV show which airs around 7.For my research I did a questionnaire it was good because I asked my target audience and I got an opinion on what they wanted and I got a feel for what they wanted and why.

6.     What have you learnt about technologies from the process of
Constructing this product?

To produce my work I used three main programmes word, Paint and Photoshop, I believe I had success with the because I was familiar with the programmes and knew what to do and could use them to good effect’s. I also had to use publisher to make the Front cover, double page spread and contents page. Which I had never used before, this was a good learning kerb for the future and I can use with confidence from now on. I took my photo’s with a camera what the school provided, but if I was to do it again I would consider using one from home because the picture quality would be improved and the pictures would look less blurry as it was hard to take a quality, and professional looking photograph  

7.     Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?

When creating my work I have found out that sometimes being simple is better not using fancy or tricky equipment or ideas. And you must provide for your whole target audience and not just segment. And if anything that isn’t portrayed to the target audience could lose viewers.

8.     General Evaluation
Overall , I’m satisfied with my final product and it achieved my brief that I had set, which was creating a wide/ broad target audience magazine with a high demand of music genres which can also appeal to young  adults, with the possibility to appeal to all young people. Another feature which is good about my magazine is that it appeals to both genders, mainly because the colour scheme was black, yellow and white (Multi- gender) but it was attractive and brought attention to the viewers  and the font was a basic font which was easy to read. I liked my original magazine layout like professional magazines but I could have gambled and tryed something different like the Masthead on the right or the banner down one side.
If I was to do a second addition I would consider doing a seasoned them i.e. Christmas I would of like to do that because it’s different and I have many ideas like a traditional green and red colour scheme. And I would want to get better relevant pictures.

9.     Feedback

After completion I asked my target audience for some positive and negative feedback the three main positive where:
·         The colour scheme is really effective and appeals to both genders
·         The Masthead was really well constructed
·         The lead is clear and exciting
The three negative points where:
·         The picture quality and background of the picture
·         In places there are bare patches.
·         A smaller target audience could be aimed at.
I thought feedback was all relevant and if i was to make "Bass" again i would have to consider all these factors