To make my work look as professional as possible I need to consider things like colour schemes, to fit its target audience, genre, social group and gender.
The colour scheme is important because it needs to be enticing, nice and easy to look and read it must also fit its target audience, age, gender and social class.
Social grouping –
· A , High ranking professionals
· B , Middle ranking professionals
· C1, Office workers
· C2,Skilled manual workers
· D, Semi & unskilled workers
· E, Unemployed/benefits
In most magazine creating professions I would have to consider this but I don’t, due to its a public school, And anyone can attend it and skills are not required. Yes a high class person may attend the school but to an extent social grouping won’t matter for my magazine.
Age –
· Children
· Teenagers
· Adults
As my preliminary question is to create a magazine for a school obviously my primary target would be Teenagers (Year 9’s to sixth form) (12 – 18) and secondary target would be parents of the school students.
Gender –
· Male
· Female
I hope to aim my magazine at both genders because it would maximise popularity. To do this I must include things for girls and boys and use suitable fonts and colours for both genders.
Colour Schemes –
1. Blue & yellow
2. Blue & Red
3. Black & white
4. Black & white with a little blue & Red
Camera shots
Personally I believe a mid-shot would be the most appropriate because most professional magazines try to use one. i could possible use a picture with two students working or a long shot with students in, any of these would be good, but the mid shot would be the most effective.
Mid shot - The mid shot shows some part of the subject in more detail, whilst still showing enough for the audience to feel as if they were looking at the whole subject
Long shot - The subject is visible (barely), but the emphasis is still on placing him in his environment.
Extreme close up - The ECU gets right in and shows extreme detail.
Different images give different vibes if I was to have a medium shot it would be a pleasant shot where as an extreme close up gives the feel of anger!
I need my magazine to be stylish to fit its primary target audience (Teenagers) with the possibility to fit its secondary audience (parents). This would increase buyers/viewers because it would be there views and it would be interesting as it’s about them.
Like most magazines I will have a picture of someone as the main eye focus and then on the side I will include short info (headings) of what is inside. The info must be enticing to read to buy but they can’t give away what is inside.
One of the key points to the magazine is that It needs to have a good title (masthead) which stays with the magazine throughout its life time, it needs to be “catchy” and stay in the buyers mind, one reason for the masthead needing to be remember bal is that if there were to be lots of magazines on a shelf, buyers and viewers need to just glimpse at it to get it and remember it. Its needs to be short and sweet.
1. “Escuela” Meaning school in Spanish, this would be good for my school because they have just started to teach Spanish, the same time they thought of a magazine to be produced.
2. “Pupil Power” This is a good masthead as well because it makes the buyers (pupils) in control, it’s also catchy with the two P’s at each beginning of each words.
3. “Education Information “Another great name for a title because its title makes it sound informing and people would like to have informing information to help with their Childs school life, this title as makes the magazine seem sophisticated and would ably to its secondary audience parents.
4. “Look and Learn” Look and Learn, which is short and sweet and rhymes its catchy and you can remember it. It uses the repeat of the letter L, but it’s lacking something but I’m not quite sure what it is. The title seems to give a feel of being for middle or lower school or even a revision guide. Where as if I was to pick a broader title I could include a wider verity or work and information.
5. ”The Class Act” The class act, being a well known phrase is real clever! The phrase meaning Classy, smart, sophisticated and polite would give of a great feel about the magazine and would make the buyers feel classy, if I was to make this as my masthead it would ably to parents. I would have to make the front cover classy to agree with the title.
Personally I believe “The Class Act” is the best one so I think I will use that masthead, it’s appropriate and covers both target audiences.
Another key feature is the “Font” it needs to be distinguishable to its magazine and should follow its genre (what the magazine is aimed at)
1. The class Act - Calibri
2. The class Act - Georgia
3. The class Act - Aerial
4. The class Act - Century
5. The class Act- Courier
Personally I like Georgia and Century because they give of a stylish and intercultural feel.
But I couldn’t decide so I made another poll and Century came above Georgia by tow more votes than Georgia.
Even in the real world, magazines have the dilemma of how often to publish their work, once a week? Or even once a month? If I was to have a set time of release I could include that in my magazine, so viewers could subscribe to get the next issues.I have decided to include a poll to solve this.
I’m happy with the final out come of my first task. One reason I'm happy with the look, it looks rather professional with information (plugs) on the side with brief information but with out "spilling the beans" meaning viewers would have to pick it up to see what’s inside. I also like that there isn’t too much information on the front cover giving a clear and big picture.
Personally I believe my contents page is great with pictures on the side giving it a nice effect. I believe this looks more professional then my front cover, its short and sweet buts provides information.
Hi Steven - you have clearly done some research and have some understanding of conventions of cover/ contents page design - I like your title and the main image works quite well but your subject could have been cropped in more tightly. try to keep pic sizes on contents page more uniform for a more aesthetic appearance - more evidence of panning on blog would be good, too but a promising start.
ReplyDeletejust looking!
ReplyDeleteHi Steven,
ReplyDeleteI know you are working offline and then posting material when you have completed sections but you need to do this at least once a week so that I can see where you're up to! You need ot let me see what you've been doing on Monday!
Hi Steven. You really need to get your work up on here on a regular basis - I cn't help you if you are not postin gmaterial. Where are you up to?